Looking for Berger 300 PRC Load Data - What Works for You?

Seeking Load Data for Berger in 300 PRC

I’m currently in the process of developing loads for my .300 PRC using Berger bullets, and I’m hoping to tap into the collective wisdom of this forum. I’ve done some initial research, but there seems to be a lot of conflicting information out there, and I want to make sure I’m on the right track.

Specific Questions:

  • What powders have you found work best with Berger bullets? I’m particularly interested in the ones that provide the best accuracy at long range.
  • What overall cartridge length (OAL) have you settled on for the .300 PRC? I’ve seen various recommendations, so any insights from your experience would really help.
  • Are there specific barrels or twists that you’ve found enhance the performance of these loads? I want to ensure I’m getting the most out of my setup.

Additional Considerations:

  • I’ve been focusing on heavier Berger bullets for stability and long-range accuracy—anything specific here I should keep in mind?
  • Chronograph data: If you’ve taken velocity readings with your loads, I’d love to hear about them!


Your input would be invaluable as I fine-tune my reloading process. I appreciate any details you can share, whether it be your go-to recipes, insights on powder choices, or any tips for achieving more precise shots. Let’s get those .300 PRC loads singing!

Thanks in advance for your help!